Psychology professor Eileen Zurbriggen was named winner of Golden Apple Distinguished Teaching Award in the Social Sciences division for 2012.
The award was announced and presented by one of last year's winners, Andrew Mathews, associate professor of anthropology, at the annual Social Sciences staff and faculty fall breakfast held October 11. Approximately 150 staff and faculty attended to see the awards and hear presentations by Chancellor Blumenthal and Social Sciences Dean Sheldon Kamieniecki.
Winner of the Staff Outstanding Achievement Award was Dana Rohlf, politics department manager who is also managing the Latin American and Latino studies department.
Environmental studies professor Deborah Letourneau was presented with the Martin M. Chemers Award for Outstanding Research, named for the retired professor and former interim chancellor.
Other winners are: Chaconne Tatum-Diehl, psychology, Walsh Family Scholarship Award; Roxanna Pourzand, evnvironmental studies/economics, Weiss Family Scholarship Award; graduate students Georgios Georgiou, economics, and Daniella Schweizer, environmental studies, Milam-McGinty-Kaun Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Social Sciences division honors teaching, staff, and scholarship